
Hotelul Majestic Jupiter nu va trece neobservat, datorita atmosferei de vacanta care se imbina perfect cu buna dispozitie si unde distractia predomina.
Aici veti uita de stresul cotidian si va veti bucura alaturi de noi de zile pline de momente de exceptie la malul Marii Negre.

Hotelul ofera oaspetilor sai multiple posibilitati de petrecere a timpului: piscina exterioara, gradina de vara, terasa si restaurant, loc de joaca pentru copii, spectacole de divertisment in cadrul programului artistic ce se desfasoara in fiecare seara pe scena hotelului.

Iar daca doriti sa va relaxati alaturi de cei dragi dupa o zi de plaja, va invitam la barul de la piscina sau la cel din lobby unde puteti sa va delactati cu o gama variata de bauturi, intr-o atmosfera placuta si reconfortanta.

Swimming pool

Majestic Hotel's pool will not go unnoticed due to the holiday atmosphere that is created around it and where good humor and fun prevails.
It lies close to a real summer garden, which gives it a special charm.

Length: 22 m
Width: 11 m
Height: 1.55 m - 2 m

Swimming pool water is perfect for a splash during hot summer hours. Under the sun rays you can relax on the lounge chair tasting an exotic and fresh cocktail that will make you dream at those exotic islands from the stories.

Pamper your body and your mind at Majestic swimming pool and enjoy your vacation!

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Swimming pool

Majestic Hotel's pool will not go unnoticed due to the holiday atmosphere that is created around it and where good humor and fun prevails.
It lies close to a real summer garden, which gives it a special charm.

Length: 22 m
Width: 11 m
Height: 1.55 m - 2 m

Swimming pool water is perfect for a splash during hot summer hours. Under the sun rays you can relax on the lounge chair tasting an exotic and fresh cocktail that will make you dream at those exotic islands from the stories.

Pamper your body and your mind at Majestic swimming pool and enjoy your vacation!

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